Please click the above link print out the form, fill it out and bring it with you. Or if you have tiime, fill it out below and submit.
Have you experienced a professional massage / body work before?
If yes to previous question, how recently?
Have you had or do you have any of the following? Check all that apply.
The massage/ bodywork I receive is to provide relaxation and relief of muscular tension. I will let my massage therapist know if the pressure given needs to be adjusted to my comfort level. The massage/ bodywork should NOT be a substitute for a medical exam, diagnosis or treatment. I understand that the massage therapist is not qualified to perform spinal adjustment, diagnosis, prescribe or treat any physical or mental illness. I agree to keep the massage therapist updated with any medical changes and understand that there is no liability on the practitioners part should I forget to do so. By submitting this form I agree and understand all the statements made here in and that all the information submitted is accurate. Any discrepancies may cause the therapist to cancel my appointment.